All win32 error codes in one place

Error Codes

Possible variations of error code

  • -2147175931
  • 0x8004b205
  • 2147791365
  • 8004b205

Error Descriptions

Possible descriptions of error code


Source: thumbcache.h


How do I solve this error?

Search the web for combinations of the different error codes and descriptions with the program that failed. For example, if Chrome gave you this error, try searching for 0x8004b205 chrome.exe, WTS_E_EXTRACTIONPENDING chrome.exe, etc.

Where does all this information come from?

From Microsoft Error Lookup Tool . You can download it locally or use this webpage when you don't have access to a Windows machine or just don't want to use the command line.

How do I get my program to display better error messages?

Use FormatMessage to convert error codes to error strings.